sat·ire /ˈsaˌtī(ə)r/noun

The Court held that political cartoons and satire such as this parody “have played a prominent role in public and political debate. And although the outrageous caricature in this case “is at best a distant cousin of political cartoons,” the Court could see no standard to distinguish among types of parodies that would not harm public discourse, which would be poorer without such satire.”

Satire is a genre of literature that uses wit for the purpose of social criticism. Satire ridicules problems in society, government, businesses, and individuals in order to bring attention to certain follies, vices, and abuses, as well as to lead to improvements. Irony and sarcasm are often an important aspect of satire.

Hustler Magazine v. Falwell


On February 5, 2018, Mr. Dyer was granted two minutes to speak. As he was speaking, his microphone was cut off before his time ended. According to Mr. Dyer’s video evidence, AISS General Counsel Glenn Brock, partner at Nelson, Mullins, Riley and Scarborough, told the Board Chair that the flyer Mr. Dyer was holding contained racially charged information and he should not be allowed to continue to speak. AISS Board Chair Jason Esteves agreed and informed Mr. Dyer that his time for public comment was over. Mr. Dyer responded by asking the Board Chair if he knew what satire was and told him that the flyer was satire. The Board Chair stated, “It is not”.